Wednesday 9 September 2015

Week 7

The lecture for this week talked about how to design questions for testing prototypes. Techniques depending on the type of response being gathered:
  • Qualitative
    • Deals with descriptions - can be observed but not measured.
    • Understand underlying reasons.
    • Unstructured or semi-structured techniques.
  • Quantitative
    • Deals with numbers - measure incidence.
    • Structured techniques.

In general, questions should:
  • Be clear & specific
  • Pay attention to ordering
  • Give clear instructions on how to answer

We were then asked to answer these questions regarding our video prototype testing:
  • Revisit your user-testing questions from the video prototype. Or consider the ones for your next testing round.
  • Which are quantitative & which are qualitative?
    • Can you suggest a better name for this game?
      • qualitative
    • How can the controller be improved?
      • qualitative
    • Is the hangman feature on the side too much for the game?
      • quantitative
    • What features can be improved and how?
      • qualitative
    • Would you play this game?
      • quantitative
    • How interesting is this concept?
      • quantitative

Update with PacMania

This week is when I started implementing my game as it is due on week 8. My aim for the first interactive prototype is to have a working maze, a moving player and having letters for the player to pick up. For prac A, I managed to get my maze working, having a monster floating around (not functional yet) and a player who can move (up, down, left and right). For Prac B, I managed to get the player to restart once the monster bumps into the player

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