Monday 31 August 2015

Week 6

In this week's lecture, Greg talked about CRC (Class-responsibility-collaboration card). This is a tool used in design of OO Software using index cards. Each index card has one element of the game where it is written what it has and can do.
I did the CRC on the prac at the same day, taking all the main elements of my game and listing them on different index cards.


We continued iterating our pong game during Prac A. I added a score counter on the bottom of the game and the ball can now bounce on the player.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Week 5


In this week's lecture, Greg talked about the design process, these videos were shown during the lecture as examples:
Proxemic interactions

Microsoft courier


Library search prototype

Email guitar


Starting with ActionScript 3.0

The practical for this week focused on learning the basics on ActionScript 3.0. It started off with some coding housekeeping and went straight to classes and functions and how they work. The next thing the we learnt is using key presses.

For Prac B, we started coding a pong game. This activity made us understand the objects and OOP. We managed to get two players moving up and down and get the ball moving to different directions.

Friday 21 August 2015

Video Prototype Testing

The Statement of Delivery stated that the users will be watching the video prototype and will be given an evaluation form after. There would be 6 questions on the form. Their facial expressions and gestures will also be noted while watching the video. I can say that the testing plan was successful as everything planned was accomplished. There were 10 users who watched and answered the form and the summary would be given below:

Questions outcome (6 questions)
  • Can you suggest a better name for this game?
    • Most of the users said that PacMania is a good name. The other suggestions are: Pacabalooza, HangPac and Pac Attack.
  • How can the controller be improved?
    • Make some noise when someone steps on the button
    • Use hand gestures to control the directions
    • The button on the bottom may be accidentally stood on -> maybe difficult to play with and watching someone play make it difficult with the box
    • Should be more colourful
  • Is the hangman feature on the side too much for the game?
    • Slowing the ghosts down of having just a couple of ghost would make it balanced
    • Yes, I think it's a little too forced.
    • Add a little more detail/ uniqueness with the hang man
  • What features can be improved and how?
    • The game can be visually redesigned to feel a little less mashed together
    • Might be forced into eating the wrong letter by being chased by a ghost
    • Power ups to move faster/ different abilities
  • Would you play this game?
    • 10 out of 10 said Yes
  • How interesting is this concept?
    • They were given a scale from 1 to 10 and the average that the poll got is 7
Iterations that may occur for the next prototype
  • Changing the game name from PacMania to PacAttack
  • Having sounds when a user press a button on the controller + revamping the design of the controller
  • Removing the hang man board on the side 
  • Game will be visually redesigned to look more original

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Week 4

In this week's contact, Greg talked about the types of prototype , their purpose and the appropriate time to use them.

Typical Purpose
When to use
Horizontal prototype
Clarify scope and requirements
Demonstrates outer layer of human interface only, such as windows menus and screens
Function definition stage
Vertical prototype
Refine database design, test key components early
Demonstrates a working though incomplete system for key functions
Later portion of function definition stage

Exercise 1

What are the functional components?
The functional components on the driver's side would be the steering wheel, hand brake, gearstick and pedals. There would also be the whole engine that is functional.
What components are relevant to driving behaviour?
Driving behaviour would be based on the understanding of speed, distance and stopping capability. These behaviours are controlled using the steering wheel, hand brake and pedals.
What are the interactions of those components with the driver when driving?
The pedals are used for controlling the speed and stopping capability. While the steering wheel is used for manoeuvring the car and the gearstick is used for gears.

Exercise 2
Alarm clock application for your smartphone.
  • Can set, edit & delete multiple alarms
  • Can daisy-chain alarms - if one is allowed to ring out, another is activated automatically
  • Can set different tones for different alarms
  • Shake phone to snooze

Horizontal Prototype
This prototype would demonstrate the physical look of the product and since it's an application, paper prototype would be a good example to do this. This is to test the user interaction with the app and how user friendly the app is.
Vertical Prototype
This prototype's concern would be the actual major functions of the product. Therefore, implementation of the concept is needed for this.
Diagonal Prototype
This prototype would be a combination of the features of both horizontal and vertical prototypes.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Week 3

This week's lecture asked us to watch the following videos and answer the questions down below:

Communication of concept
  • First impression or Can you really understand the concept?
  • What questions does it raise?
  • What could they do better? What do they do well?
Video Content & Approach
  • Is there a better way to show certain things? Quality of the video? Audio?

Brisbane Park Finder

The first 30 seconds threw my attention away because it was just one person explaining the concept for the whole time. However, the concept was easily understood when the video demonstrated how the idea works. They could have demonstrated and done the video in a more entertaining way to keep the audiences' attention throughout the video. For example, more graphics and voice over rather than filming one person the entire video. They also could have filmed where background noise would reduce. But overall, the concept was explained well and the video was steady.

Google docs

My first impression of the Google Docs video was positive. The video kept my attention the entire time and the issues raised were all understandable. The concept was very easy to understand as they broken it down in 'Plain English" explanation. The only thing they could have improved on is adding music into the video to make it more catchy. The quality of both video and audio was sharp which made it more professional. Overall, this is a good example of a explainer video for me.


I zoned out for the first 15 seconds of the video but was impressed with the quality of the graphics used. The demonstration was hard to understand and the only thing I noticed is that it looks like a chess game. I skipped the throughout video a lot and was left confused in the end. They could have put voiceover on the video instead of an unrelated audio for users to get engage and understand the concept.

Game Mash Up Concept

Pacman + Hangman (Name to be decided)
This concept was derived from the brainstormed list of ideas last week.

There are two things needed to play this game: a screen and a controller. These are the things that will be on the screen: pellets, star pellets, time board, hangman board, blank lines for the word,  one monster and the main character.

This game is a mixed of Hangman and Pacman; the word guess of hangman and the challenging game of Pacman. There letters are to be found on the game screen where users will have to eat the letters in order to guess the word. For each word guess, the user will have 3 minutes to obtain all the letters needed for the word. The player will have 3 lives for the whole game and will be able to obtain more by eating the star pellets. The small white pellets around the game will give the user more time if obtained  and if the monsters eat the main character, one life will be deducted. If the user picks up the letter for the word guess, the a stick person will be drawn next to the game screen. It is game over when the time runs out and the player havent guessed the word, life runs out or when the stickman drawing is completed and the word was not guessed correctly.


Giant buttons will be used as a controller for the game. The buttons will be placed inside a box where an average person can fit onto. The button on the top means up, bottom = down, left = left and right = right. These buttons will light up (different colours each button) when pressed by the user.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Week 2

Lecture Week 2
These videos were shown to the class before the group exercise:

Google Glass Interaction prototype
Mixed Reality Prototype of Washing Machine Interface
Mixed Reality Interface
Canon Virtual Reality System for Car design

These questions were then asked to be answered in our group:

  • With the previous videos in mind, think of a device you have at home that you regularly use:
    • Mirror
    • Phone
  • Think about your interaction with it:
    • Mirror: Used every morning and night to get ready to go out/ go to bed
    • Phone: Used every morning when you wake up and used through out the day
  • Design variations to the way that you interact with the device - overall flow or specific aspects.
    • The mirror can be more interactive where users can get more feature from it (e.g. mixed features with a phone)
  • Design a mixed or augmented reality prototype to test those variations.
    • The glass on the mirror can be turned into a screen where clothes, make up look and hairstyles suggestions can be seen on the glass it can also display and check the notifications from your phone

Practical Week 2

For the first part of the prac session, the class was had to split into groups of 2-4 to brainstorm a list of social faux pas (embarrassing social mistakes). My group managed to create this list:
  • Tripping down the stairs
  • Bumping into a person you already met and forgetting their name
  • When your skirt/ dress lifts up or the wind blows your skirt up
  • When someone farted in a really quiet class
  • When your hanging out with a friend and they kept checking their phone

These were some of the social faux pas that the rest of the class came up with:
  • Wearing socks with sandals
  • Having music too loud in public
  • Too much public display of affection (PDA)
  • Coughing without covering mouth
  • Screaming children in public
  • Saying goodbye to a friend and walking in the same direction
  • Accidentally spilling something on yourself
  • Not seeing the traffic lights go green when you're on your phone
  • On the phone while ordering on the restaurant
  • Wearing crocs
  • Cursing so much
  • Biking at a crowded park

My group picked two social faux pas to create a wearable social intervention with it:
  • When your skirt/ dress lifts up or the wind blows your skirt up
    • Censor for the skirt (beeps when it lifts up)
  • Tripping down the stairs
    • Airbag blows up from the shoe

For the second part of the prac session, we picked a game from each column and decided which part of the game makes it fun:

  • Tic Tac Toe
    • competition between the other person
    • you can do it anywhere
  • Guess who
    • characters that you can relate to
    • Competitive
    • narrowing down the people
  • Tetris
    • having a strategy
    • fitting blocks together

We then need to do a game mash up with the games with pick previously:
Guess who and Tetris
  • Every right guess of a feature, one block will be released OR
  • If you get one guess right, you can delete a block on the game
Pacman and hangman
  • You have to get pacman to eat the letter your guessing and if you get it wrong, the game draws a hangman